Different lawns for a garden that is always unique: each to his own
19/10/2023Sloping garden: how to best prepare the land
31/10/2023Who said that ordinary is better than extraordinary? The most important thing is to follow a correct procedure in preparation of the land.
Sloping garden: an interesting challenge with excellent results
Here are some tips to follow for a perfect sloping garden.
Assessment of the land
First of all, the type of land slope must be taken into consideration, analysing the drainage conditions and direction of the water flow.
It is essential to install an irrigation system to avoid stagnant water in the soil. If necessary, stone or concrete support walls must be built to avoid possible landslides in the event of heavy rain.
It is essential to install an irrigation system to avoid stagnant water in the soil.
Preparation of the soil
Good quality soil and fertilizer must be used and then each tier must be carefully levelled. It is advisable to uniformly distribute a 4-5 cm layer of Mulch (“cippato” in Italian, or chipped pieces of wood) to help the soil retain moisture, reduce soil evaporation and, consequently, reduce the risk of erosion.
Selecting plants
Deeply-rooted plants are indicated for sloping land to help stabilise the soil. Considering that the flow of water will travel downwards, it will be more appropriate to place plants that require more water at the bottom of the slope and others that require less water at the top, while always evaluating distances between them.
Maintenance and monitoring
It is important to regularly carry out cleaning and gardening activities, in addition to regularly checking for signs of erosion or problems linked to drainage.
Creating a sloping garden requires effort and planning. Bellon-Mit is available with a wide range of equipment adapted for every turf maintenance need.